Issue |
Volume 17, 2013
Page(s) | 650 - 671 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 November 2013 |
An ℓ1-oracle inequality for the Lasso in finite mixture Gaussian regression models
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay,
Université Paris-Sud, 91405
We consider a finite mixture of Gaussian regression models for high-dimensional heterogeneous data where the number of covariates may be much larger than the sample size. We propose to estimate the unknown conditional mixture density by an ℓ1-penalized maximum likelihood estimator. We shall provide an ℓ1-oracle inequality satisfied by this Lasso estimator with the Kullback–Leibler loss. In particular, we give a condition on the regularization parameter of the Lasso to obtain such an oracle inequality. Our aim is twofold: to extend the ℓ1-oracle inequality established by Massart and Meynet [12] in the homogeneous Gaussian linear regression case, and to present a complementary result to Städler et al. [18], by studying the Lasso for its ℓ1-regularization properties rather than considering it as a variable selection procedure. Our oracle inequality shall be deduced from a finite mixture Gaussian regression model selection theorem for ℓ1-penalized maximum likelihood conditional density estimation, which is inspired from Vapnik’s method of structural risk minimization [23] and from the theory on model selection for maximum likelihood estimators developed by Massart in [11].
Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G08 / 62H30
Key words: Finite mixture of Gaussian regressions model / Lasso / ℓ1-oracle inequalities / model selection by penalization / ℓ1-balls
© EDP Sciences, SMAI, 2013
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